What would you like to create?

An Assignment Brief, an e-Lesson Note, a Syllabus, a Feedback Document, a Marking Scheme, a Speech Manuscript or even a CV?

What would you like to learn?

Academic referencing, writing motivational letters to parents or perhaps managing your classroom? 


Powerful teaching EdTech AI Assistant designed for teachers in Africa, for Windows.

EdTech AI Assistant


Create easily

Dr. Jane will help you create academic documentation easily and quickly. You can quickly create Lesson Notes for your class and set assignments for your students using an Assignment Brief document that Dr. Jane will create for you.

Dr. Jane - EdTech AI Assistant


Start improving

Dr. Jane will employ a variety of techniques to get you to improve your teaching. Starting with a SWOT analysis, Dr. Jane provides you with questions to help you analyse not only your strengths, but also areas that you need to improve. Don't forget to check the SWOT-Analysis [tab]. Check the Rest of the World [tab] to see what's happening with regards to education in other countries.

Dr. Jane - EdTech AI Assistant


Learn as you go

Dr. Jane will provide you with tips as you go. It might be something about your lesson notes, perhaps a tip about your career, or even a tip about managing your classroom effectively - Dr. Jane can help.

Dr. Jane - EdTech AI Assistant


Employ modern teaching techniques

Dr. Jane encourages various 21st century teaching initiatives. Since almost everything is going digital/electronic, Dr. Jane does not want you to get left behind. From paperless learning to electronic signatures, use of PDF/RTF documents - Dr. Jane will do everything possible to bring you into the 21st Century.

Dr. Jane - EdTech AI Assistant
Learn more about Dr. Jane

Trusted by: Leading schools, Universities and hundreds of teachers across Africa


EdTech AI Assistant

For teachers in Africa only, age restrictions apply

EdTech AI Assistant

🖂 drjane@porgiesoft.com